Week of technical disciplines at the “Professional-technical” Department.

The week of technical disciplines was held from 03.02.-08.02.2020 years.

Topic: organization of regular and extra-curricular activities to improve the quality of training of qualified specialists using modern pedagogical technologies.

Goal: to Form a competitive, technically competent, well-developed specialist who can practically realize their professional potential.

              According to the plan of the week, an exhibition of scientific and technical literature was organized from the first day. A contest of wall Newspapers “I and my profession” was held among the first and second year students. The newspaper is fully consistent with the theme and design.

              On the same day of the week, the Grand opening of the week of the Subject-Cycle Commission “Technical disciplines” was held – responsible Murzagildin T. K., a teacher of special disciplines.

      On Tuesday, a Competition of professional skills “Land surveyor” was held.  The aim of the competition is to improve the quality of professional training of students, further improve their professional competencies, increase the prestige of professional education institutions and the social significance of mid-level specialists.

    The competition was attended by students of the LM-18 group, who master the educational programs for training middle-level specialists in the specialty: “Land Management” – responsible Mozheiko A.V., a teacher of special disciplines.          It has become a tradition to conduct lessons for understudies-responsible Murzagildin T. K., Smagulov B. B., teachers of special disciplines.  During the lessons, students showed good knowledge of the educational material.

    On the same day, a Master class was held in the training laboratory of the College, under the guidance of an experienced teacher Andirov B. A. on the topic “Daily maintenance of the MTZ-82 tractor, starting the engine”. The purpose of this event: generalization and consolidation of students ‘ knowledge in special disciplines; instilling love and attention of students to the chosen profession.

    On the fourth day Kairzhanova S. M., lecturer of special disciplines held an open extracurricular activities on the theme “The world of environment”. The purpose of this event: to form a conscious attitude of students to their health, to nature, to promote the desire to acquire useful skills.

     The participants of the contest of professional skills “Best in profession” among the third-year students had the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge acquired during training, passing all types of practices, systematize them as a whole and also show their creative abilities. Artem Nurmanov, a student of the MofA-PT-1-17 group, won the Grand Prix. The contest of professional skills organized Maukina E.M., teacher of special disciplines.

        All participating groups received diplomas and certificates. The week was interesting and eventful. Students of the Department actively participated in the events planned for the week of technical disciplines.

                      Head of the Department                                       M. Nugmanova

Chairman Of The Subject-Cycle Commission                                I. Shagun

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