0103000 Physical training and sports
0103023 Teacher of Physical Culture and Sports
Training of students in the specialty 0103000 Physical culture and sports and qualifications 010302 3 The teacher of physical culture and sports is conducted from September 1, 1997 on the basis of license No. 0161334 the date of issue on 13.07.2012 issued by the Department for Control in Education of Kostanay region of the Control Committee in the sphere Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Training in specialty 0103000 “Physical Culture and Sport” is carried out in accordance with the State Obligatory Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The term of training based on 11 classes is 2 years 10 months. Training is carried out on full-time and correspondence forms, free training and with full compensation of the cost of training.
The sphere of professional activity of graduates is the knowledge of the essence of the pedagogical process, the laws of didactics, anatomical and physiological, psychological features of the development of students.
As the practical bases for conducting educational, pedagogical and pre-diploma practice, 5 basic organizations were approved with which agreements on social partnership
• Kostanay city youth sports school
• State Institution “Management of Physical Culture and Sports of Akimat of Kostanay Region”
• State Institution “Kostanay Regional Youth College named. K.Ospanova »
• State Institution “Kostanay Regional Children’s Sports School №3”
• State Institution “Department of Education of Akimat of Kostanay”.
Graduates of the specialty know how to design and construct a lesson, develop thinking that can select, analyze and synthesize acquired knowledge to achieve pedagogical goals, methods of teaching physical education, ways of organizing sports and outdoor games, athletic and gymnastic exercises, swimming styles, ways of traveling on skis, skates, etc. They are able to plan and organize lessons, competitions, extracurricular activities, sports sections, and exercise judging.