Oral magazine dedicated to the Independence Day.

On December 14, an oral magazine devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the assembly hall of the Kostanay Industrial and Pedagogical College.

By tradition, the word for congratulations was given to the director of the college Zhurkabaev M.K. He congratulated students and teachers on the occasion, handed over the certificates of the Administration of Education of Akimat of Kostanai oblast Kalimova KB, Kishkentayeva A.S. , Smirnova G.I. And he handed the certificates to students taking part in the meprokoptyatiyah dedicated to the Independence Day in the tournament on football and competition photo collage.

The pages of the oral journal covered the historical milestones of the formation of the young republic, the content of the program “Ruhani zhanғyru bolashāa bádár: modernization of public consciousness”, special. project “Sacral Geography of Kazakhstan”, “One Hundred New Persons”. The task of young group supervisors: ZU-17 Mozheiko AV, SR-17 Savenko EI, MAX-1-17 Maukina E.M. together with the first year students.

Each page was interesting in its own way and was accompanied by artistic numbers: the Karazh та dance, the choir of the guys performed the song “Tuғan zher”, SR-17 performed the trio songs, participated in the choir with the whole guppu. The audience liked the performing skills: Bineta Sabina from ZU-17, Shamganova Askar group MSH-PO-2K-15. The number “Parade of planets” with special effects in the execution of ZU-17 was unusual.


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