In the conditions of the fourth industrialization of the country, vocational education increasingly focuses on meeting the needs of the labor market, specific demands of employers, and therefore the nature of the interaction of participants in the process of training new personnel is changing.
This is what was discussed at the round table “Social partnership – an effective way of becoming a future professional”, which was held at the initiative of the Kostanay Industrial and Pedagogical College in the conference hall of the city school of children’s creativity. In his welcoming speech the head of the education department of the Kostanay oblast akimat Daumov B.B. noted that social partnership unites employers, employment services, educational institutions, as well as education management bodies, contributing to a more complete consideration of labor market requirements.
Twelve agreements were signed with enterprises and organizations, which are both practical bases and the workplaces of future specialists. Among them
Kazin Manarbek Auanovich | Head of the Human Capital Development Department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay oblast |
Husainova Aida Tulendinovna | Deputy Head of the Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of the Akimat of Kostanay oblast |
Kamran Aliyev | Director General of Educational and Career Center “Caspian Academy” |
Williams Eugene B. | Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Akimat of Kostanay oblast |
Olkinyan Lyudmila Yuryevna | Head of Training and Development Center of Saryarka Avtoprom LLP |
Bimurzin Kuanysh Uahitovich | Director of Kostanay Regional Center of Physical Culture of the Administration of Education of Akimat of Kostanay oblast |
Kaida Svetlana Pavlovna | Head of production sanatorium Sosnovi Bor |
Zhumabekov Yermek Tneevich | Director of LLP “Nurtoba” |
Safina Indira Ergaliyevna | IO of the Director of the Department “NPC of the Land Cadastre” branch of the non-profit JSC “State Corporation” “Government for Citizens” for Kostanay region |
Sova Vladimir Vladimirovich | Head of the city voluntary society of invalids |
Kabdulin Amantai Serikpaevich | Deputy Director of “Karasu Em” |
Brik Elena Alexandrovna | Deputy Director of Astykzhan-Kostanay LLP |
Meteshova Yuliya Vladimirovna | Head of the Human Resources Department of Kol Center Kostanay LLP |
Social partnership in vocational education is a modern type of relationship between educational institutions and employers, state and local authorities, with the interests of all participants in this process.