The goal is set for teachers and students of Kostanay industrial-pedagogical college – the development of a multicultural personality capable for professional self-determination, knowing the history and traditions of people, speaking several languages, able to carry out communicative and activity operations in three languages in different situations, striving for self-development. Various events are held at our college every year to achieve this goal. In honor of the holiday “Day of Languages” teachers: K. Kalimova, В.Zharkova held an intellectual game “Til-tiregimiz, sogyp turgan zhuregimiz”. The knowledge of Kazakh, Russian and English languages is becoming an integral component of a person’s personal and professional activities in modern society. Our students prove it. They performed tasks with interest, answered questions in three languages. There was not a single indifferent student in the hall. The guys supported the players, worried about their teams.