1304000 “Computers and software”
1304043 “Technician-programmer”

The youngest specialty “Computer Science and Software” was opened in 2014. The college trains programmers who can develop and maintain programs, install and repair technical equipment, create databases and Web sites in various fields of science, technology, economics and production. Classes on special disciplines are conducted in computer classes. Auditor-theoretical and laboratory-practical classes are conducted in all special subjects. The main task of the specialty is the preparation and release of a comprehensively developed, competent, communicative specialist, competitively able in a market economy and crisis.
Specialty “Computer technology and software” is focused on work in the field of application of databases, intelligent software systems, multimedia technologies and software systems of various applications. This specialty is one of the most attractive for young people and girls interested in computer technology and wishing to have an interesting profession which will provide serious competitive advantages among specialists in the current conditions of rapid development of the information technology market.
The graduate of the specialty can translate and debug of the program, manage the data in solving problems, test programs, apply tools and methods to protect the software product, implement and maintain software , simulate production and economic processes, methods for solving them and analyze the results, organize data protection, build automated information processing systems.